IronCAD Design 2022
IRONCAD is a software product for 3D and 2D CAD design focused mainly on the mechanical design market that runs on Microsoft Windows.
What’s New in IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2022 Product Update 1
Performance and User Interface Improvements
3D Graphical Section Performance for Large Data Sets
Major performance improvements using the 3D Section Tool, especially with large data sets such as large machines. In addition, improvements have been made in the usage by automatically enabling the TriBall positioning tools and Default Orientation plane on the initial action to make the tool more intuitive.
New Integrated 3D Object Viewer
Users are now enabled to use the Object Browser to visually identify catalog items and selected items in the scene browser using a 3D object viewer docked in the IronCAD interface. Thus quickly providing a visual representation of the selected object to help identify the correct element for a given task.
Quick Restructure of the Assembly Structure Capability
PU1 introduces faster methods to restructure the assembly tree using Ctrl-X/CTRL-v (or CTRL-Shift-V for a place-in-place) to place under the selected item in the Scene Browser. This is a powerful ability in IronCAD to reorder the structure dynamically, and with this new improvement, it has become even faster and easier to update the assembly structure. Pasting on an Assembly will paste it directly inside the assembly at the top node below the assembly. Pasting on a Part will paste it directly below the part (under the same assembly level where the part is located). Pasting when nothing is selected (or on a feature/sketch), will paste the parts/assemblies at the bottom of the scene browser
Stretch Assemblies/Parts using a Measurement Tool
Direct Dimension Measure in the Stretch Tool to set the desired stretch distance without having to measure outside of the tool. Users typically want to stretch a model a certain distance from point A to B. With this new option, users can get that distance between A and B within the tool to quickly stretch the model.
Toggle Edge Visibility for Hidden, Visible, and No Edge Display
You can now use Ctrl-E (3-phase toggle) to Show Hidden Edges, Hide All Edges (or No Edges), and Show Visible Edges to help control visibility in the 3D, and to allow for speed increases to turn off edges on selected models that slow the performance during rotation.
Product:IronCAD Design 2022
Supported Architectures: x64
Language: englishJapanese,
Supported Operating Systems:Windows 7even or newer