Download Power Line System PLS-CADD + POLE + SAPS + TOWER v9.20 Portable – software for designing and analyzing power transmission lines, portable (no need to install)
Power Line System software PLS-CADD + POLE + SAPS + TOWER Portable
PLS-CADD, POLE, SAPS and TOWER are four powerful and widely used software from the Power Line System company in the field of transmission lines and help engineers to simulate and analyze high voltage transmission lines.
PLS-CADD software:
It is the most powerful and practical software in the market in the field of high pressure transmission line design and simulation. Considering the graphical user interface and presentation of all the tools needed in this field, it is safe to say that no other program can match the advanced engineering capabilities of PLS-CADD.
PLS-POLE software:
is a powerful program for analysis and design of structures made of wood, laminated wood, steel, concrete and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) or modular aluminum iron. This program is able to check the designed structures for the amount of load that the user considers, and also calculate the maximum permissible range of wind and weight.
SAPS software
: SAPS software stands for Structural Analysis of Power and Communication Systems and means structural analysis of power and communication systems. which is known as one of the common tools for structural analysis. The most application of this software is in the fields of transmission, substations and communication systems, which are more functional and simple to use than traditional non-linear finite element programs.
TOWER software:
design, analysis and optimization of steel towers used for transmission and communication facilities. This software is mostly used for the analysis and design of steel towers that are responsible for electricity transmission. For the structures of electricity transmission line towers, it is possible to calculate the maximum permissible wind amplitude and tolerable weight for them.
Power Line System PLS-CADD + POLE + SAPS + TOWER Portable
Power Line Systems – Computer Aided Design and Draft
PLS-CADD is the most powerful overhead power line design program on the market. PLS-CADD runs under Microsoft Windows and features an easy to use graphical user interface. It integrates all aspects of line design into a single stand-alone program with a simple, logical, consistent interface. No other program can match the sophisticated engineering capabilities available in PLS-CADD.