Altair EDEM Professional 2023.0
EDEM is the market-leading software for bulk material simulation. Powered by state-of-the-art Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) technology, EDEM quickly and accurately simulates and analyzes the behavior of bulk materials such as coal, mined ores, soil, tablet, and powders.
In EDEM 2022 we have further enhanced this capability with several new capabilities including support for user-defined particle size distributions, ability to use periodic boundaries, extended compatible physics models to include bond and heat transfer physics, as well as performance enhancements to further increase the speed of material generation.
In EDEM 2022 we are extending the functionality of our popular EDEMpy capability to allow unlimited custom properties to be introduced and modified as part of the post-processing stage of your simulation results. The result is that users can interrogate and report on a wider variety of data, even those very specific to their application, through the user interface.
The new EDEM Cone Penetrometer Calibration Kit contains an input deck for the test as well as the EDEMpy post processing tools. As with the other tests a report is provided and the test can be used with tools such as EDEMCal or HyperStudy to simplify the calibration process by setting up large numbers of jobs.
Download Altair Edem Professional 2023
EDEM simulation provides engineers with crucial insight into how bulk materials will interact with their equipment during a range of operation and process conditions.
EDEM Overview Model Complex
Comprehensive range of validated physics models available: simulate any material type and shape: large lumps, dry, fine, sticky, cohesive, flexible
EDEM Overview Easy Workflow
Intuitive user interface for quick simulation set-up and advanced visualization and analysis
EDEM Overview Solver Speed
Fast and scalable compute performance across CPU, GPU and multi-GPU solvers – simulate large and complex particle systems
EDEM Overview Extensive Range
Instant access to a library of thousands of pre-calibrated material models representing rocks and ores. Set of material models with advanced physics available for soils and powders.
EDEM Overview Customization
Custom physics with EDEM’s highly versatile Applications Programming Interface for complex simulations and advanced material behavior: sticky solids, breakage, flexible fibers & more
EDEM Overview CAE Integration
Couple with Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Multi-body Dynamics (MBD) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).