AZtecCrystal license, AZtec Crystal v2.12 new version full functions download

Collecting good quality data is only the beginning of any complete EBSD analysis. AZtecCrystal provides all the necessary tools to process and interrogate your EBSD data and to solve your materials problems. Seamlessly integrated with AZtecHKL or operated as a standalone program, AZtecCrystal sets the standard in EBSD data processing for experts and novices alike.
- Optimised for fast processing and large datasets
- Intuitive layout with selectable viewing modes
- Full map, texture and boundary display, and analysis
- Multiple advanced microstructure interrogation tools
- Intelligent data handling with flexible templates
- Advanced Pattern Matching data enhancement with AZtecCrystal MapSweeper
AZtec Crystal v2.12
AZtecCrystal is a comprehensive software package for processing data collected using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). It is designed to have the ease of use necessary for newcomers to the EBSD technique, yet to have the advanced tools required for in-depth materials characterisation and diffraction pattern reanalysis required by more experienced operators. Whatever you require from your EBSD data analysis, AZtecCrystal is sure to deliver.
- Multi-modal display: view the analytical tools necessary to solve every materials problem
- Multi-layered map creation and display with no component limits
- Ideal for all computers, from laptops to workstations
- Quaternion-based algorithms for fastest data processing
- Handles any size dataset from AZtec with ease: even the largest datasets are processed within seconds
- Relevant data and settings are stored within each project for fast reloading
- Designed around intelligent routines, such as machine-learning phase classification, weighted Burgers vector dislocation analysis and rapid parent grain reconstruction
- Comprehensive grain size analysis to ASTM standards with over 10 display options
- Smart defaults and settings for all materials
AZtec Crystal v2.12 Applications
AZtecCrystal enables fast, high-throughput analyses of any EBSD dataset. Optimised for speed yet designed for ease-of-use, AZtecCrystal delivers the versatility of the EBSD technique for all levels of user expertise. The primary fields of application are as follows, but AZtecCrystal is ideally suited for any application of the EBSD technique:
- Metals processing – e.g. grain size and texture, parent grain reconstruction
- Aerospace- e.g. crack propagation
- Microelectronics -e.g. texture and boundary characterisation
- Surface coatings – e.g. phase analysis and layer structure
- Structural geology – e.g. intragranular deformation and crystallographic preferred orientations
- Additive manufacturing – e.g. grain structure and strain distribution, parent grain reconstruction
AZtecCrystal is a comprehensive software package for processing data collected using electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). It is designed to have the ease of use necessary for newcomers to the EBSD technique, yet to have the advanced tools required for in-depth materials characterisation and diffraction pattern reanalysis required by more experienced operators. Whatever you require from your EBSD data analysis, AZtecCrystal is sure to deliver.
- Multi-modal display: view the analytical tools necessary to solve every materials problem
- Multi-layered map creation and display with no component limits
- Ideal for all computers, from laptops to workstations
- Quaternion-based algorithms for fastest data processing
- Handles any size dataset from AZtec with ease: even the largest datasets are processed within seconds
- Relevant data and settings are stored within each project for fast reloading
- Designed around intelligent routines, such as machine-learning phase classification, weighted Burgers vector dislocation analysis and rapid parent grain reconstruction
- Comprehensive grain size analysis to ASTM standards with over 10 display options
- Smart defaults and settings for all materials