Download Dassault Systemes Dymola 2023X Refresh1
Download Dassault Systemes Dymola 2023
what is new in Dymola 2023
Dymola, Dynamic Modeling Laboratory, is a complete tool for modeling and simulation of integrated and complex systems for use within automotive, aerospace, robotics, process and other applications.
Dymola 2023 was released on May 13, 2022.
Simulation Analysis in Dymola 2023 has been extended with detailed timer statistics, helping to pinpoint any bottlenecks in your simulation. It offers two views, both detailing execution time in seconds as well as the number of calls. Hotspots are highlighted in red. The first view groups the simulation code into logical sections. The second view shows individual function calls, and if FMUs are included in the model, it will show the distribution for each FMI-function.
Dymola 2023 provides an interface for steady-state finding which allows to specify start time and detect steady-state tolerance for dynamic steady-state finding.
Code and Model Export – eFMI and SSP
Dymola supports eFMI according to the latest publicly available specification. Dymola’s eFMI facilities comprise generation of eFMUs with Algorithm Code, Production Code and Binary Code containers and supports the usage of generated eFMUs for co-simulation from within Modelica models. A Dymola Source Code Export license is required to work with eFMI.
Dymola 2023 has support for both import and export in the SSP format (System Structure and Parameterization). SSP export will create an SSP file with embedded FMUs for any component models. For Modelica models, the system description that contain references to the Modelica model. Meta data defined in the Modelica model will be exported as an annotation.
The Dymola license server is upgraded to version of FLEXNet Publisher. This update enables you to work on for example (for Windows) Windows Server 2019 and works with previous Dymola versions as well. The 32-bit license server on Windows is replaced with a 64-bit version.
Key Advantages
- Multi-engineering. Compatible model libraries for many engineering fields enable high-fidelity modeling of complex integrated systems.
- Modelica. A powerful, object-oriented and formally defined modeling language.
- Free and commercial libraries. User can easily build own or adapt existing components to match unique needs. Comprehensive portfolio of model libraries.
- Reuse. Acausal, equation-oriented models allow a component to be used in different contexts and a model to be used for different studies.
- Symbolic equation processing. Relieves the user from converting equations to assignment statements or block diagrams. Simulations are more efficient and robust.
- Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation (HILS). Real-time simulation on dSPACE and xPC.
- Powerful interoperability options with full FMI support and interfaces to Python, the SIMULIA tools Abaqus and iSight as well as Simulink.
- Animation. Real-time 3D animation and import of CAD files for visualization.