Gas Turbine Simulation Program GSP 12.0
Gas Turbine Simulation Program – GSP, a component-based modeling environment, is NLR’s primary tool for gas turbine engine performance analysis. GSP’s flexible object-oriented architecture enables steady-state and transient simulation of any gas turbine configuration using a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that runs under MS-Windows. Gas turbine configurations are simulated by creating a specific arrangement of engine component models in a model window.
GSP is a general modeling tool capable of modeling almost any gas turbine engine configuration including external loads (such as breakers, pumps, generators, etc.). GSP is primarily based on zero-D modeling of the gas turbine thermodynamic cycle. This shows that the flow properties are averaged in the cross section of the flow in the interface levels of the component models (input and output). GSP uses component model stacking to create the desired engine thermodynamic cycle. Input is the model configuration, cycle design or any known reference point (or preferably several points) of a new engine. Information required for cycle configuration, eg turbine and compressor drawings, is readily available from the manufacturer or from the internet (eg manufacturer fact sheets, ASME papers, etc.).
Features and features of the Gas Turbine Simulation Program – GSP software:
- Any gas turbine configuration
Steady state and transient design simulation
- NLR developed custom components
- Object oriented
- Tabular and graphical output formats configurable by the user
- High execution speed on a standard computer
- Multiple impact on performance
- Fast analysis of complex problems
- Simultaneous simulation of multiple models
- User configurable control system logic
- User adjustable control over the equation system