Download Bentley OpenRail Designer 2023
OpenRail Designer crack download Download OpenRail Designer 2023 Update 1 v23.00.01.011
OpenRail Designer introduces a new, comprehensive modeling environment for streamlined project delivery of rail network assets. This environment unifies design and construction from concept through commissioning and completion. The application delivers a high performance, immersive, 3D modeling environment that enables instantaneous and interactivate parametric modeling of rail corridors.
OpenRail Designer provides modeling and design capabilities for metro, light rail, commuter rail, or high-speed rail design projects. You can save time on the design and maintenance of track, station, and yard design, as well as overhead line electrification (OLE), while significantly increasing productivity.
- Bring real-world settings to your project by gathering context data quickly from a variety of sources, such as point clouds, 3D reality meshes, terrain data, images, and geospatial information.
- Enable project information sharing across teams, locations, and disciplines with precision and security.
- Perform regression analysis, horizontal and vertical alignment, cant design, and turnout placement to international standards.
- Design OLE systems with customizable design standards and 3D modeling of wires and structures.
- Improve asset quality and reduce rework with a fully localized application.
- Share realistic visualizations with the public and stakeholders to gather feedback, improve public engagements, and speed project approvals.
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OPENRAIL DESIGNER 2023 UPDATE 1 V23.00.01.011 X64