DHI – MIKE Zero 2024
Mike Zero 2024
MIKE Zero is the common user interface for many of our MIKE software products. This means, that when downloading one of these products, you will get the same MIKE Zero file. From this file and during the MIKE Zero installation, you can select installation of individual products.
The following products are included in MIKE Zero: MIKE 21, MIKE 3, LITPACK, MIKE 11, MIKE SHE, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE HYDRO Basin, MIKE HYDRO River, DHI Remote Simulation, MIKE Animator Plus and MIKE View.
Mike + 2024
With MIKE+, you can make comprehensive analyses of your waterways. Best yet, you’ll have the latest analytical methods and data at your fingertips.
Model Manager
The core of the MIKE+ user interface
Rely on this universal application for model management, configuration and results presentation. With its smart layout and intuitive workflows, you’ll be modelling water distribution networks, collection systems, rivers and flooding in no time.
Water Distribution
Dynamic water distribution modelling
Perform hydraulic and water quality modelling, gain control of pumps and valves and reduce leaks. Plan network sectioning, analyse fire flows and trace multiple sources.
Collection Systems
Powerful decision support
Model and analyse the hydrology and hydraulics of your collection system. Design real-time controls, assess resilient solutions and manage both stormwater and wastewater collection systems.
River Networks
River modelling – reinvented
Analyse river flows, assess hydrological changes and estimate pollution transport to mitigate disasters and improve water quality.