FRANC3D V7.5.3 simulate 3D crack growth in engineering structures
FRANC3D V7.5.3 was released on Feb 5, 2021 with the following features/enhancements:
· Improved new crack growth surfaces for cracks that twist and kink significantly.
· Added option to run checks on input FE mesh data when importing.
· Added option to display crack surface geometry to crack growth dialogs.
· Modified crack face traction (CFT) to allow user to add CFT to an existing load step and added options for setting temperature and thermal expansion properties for CFT in a new load step
· Added option to save .crk file during crack front merging
· Added the do_epj flag to the ComputeSifs command or session log to compute elasto-plastic J
· Added the WriteEPJ to PyF3D module to save the elasto-plastic J values.
· Added preliminary capability for ANSYS static + modal combined analyses
· Added check for ANSYS uncracked doubled meshes.
· Added support for ANSYS transient analyses
· Improved the mapping of ANSYS nodal rotations for midside nodes when upgrading linear to quadratic elements
· Added preliminary capabilities for computing elasto-plastic J-integral from ABAQUS results
· Process ABAQUS *equation data when formatted as multiple equations under single *equation heading.
· Updates for NX NASTRAN – in particular for contact and crack face contact.
The FRacture ANalysis Code 3D (FRANC3D) program is designed to simulate 3D crack growth in engineering structures where the component geometry, local loading conditions, and the evolutionary crack geometry can be arbitrarily complex. It is designed to be used as a companion to general purpose Finite Element (FE) solvers.
3D破壊解析ソフトFRANC3D v7.5
FRANC3DプログラムはC++ プログラミング言語で記述されており、WindowsとLinuxの両オペレーティングシステム上で稼働します。