IBM SPSS Amos v29
IBM® SPSS® Amos is a powerful structural equation modeling (SEM) software helping support your research and theories by extending standard multivariate analysis
Examining relationships in the behavioral-attitude model
Amos is a powerful structural equation modeling (SEM) tool that provides more support for your theoretical research by expanding traditional multivariate data analysis methods such as regression analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and variance analysis. In Amos, you can specify, evaluate, test, and display models in intuitive path diagrams to verify the hypothesized relationships between the variables in the path diagram.
Use observed and latent variables to gain new insights
Amos enables you to more realistically model complex relationships by using observed variables, such as survey data, or latent variables, such as “satisfaction,” to predict any other numerical variable. Structural equation modeling, sometimes called path analysis, helps you gain additional insight into causal models and the advantages of variable relationships.
Extending statistical selection based on Bayesian estimation
With Amos, you can perform estimation for ordinal categories and censored data, enabling you to:
Create models based on non-numeric data without having to assign numerical scores to the data
Handle censored data without having to make assumptions other than normality
You can also compute values for ordered categories and censored data, so you can create complete numerical datasets whenever you need them. Or compute values for missing values in new datasets. You also have the option to estimate the posterior predictive distribution, which is used to determine the probability of missing or partially missing values in latent variable models.