Download Sequent Leapfrog Geo v5.1.4 x64 + Help + Tutorials
Software for 3D modeling of geographic phenomena
Leapfrog Geo 5 / Leapfrog Geo 5
Leapfrog Geo is a workflow-based 3D modeling tool. Its advanced implicit modeling engine eliminates language-intensive “design” operations and allows you to build models directly from various sources such as wells, points, and surfaces. As you are adding different data, the models are updated dynamically so that the final design is always up to date. This reduces the risk of wrong decisions and makes the best decision at any moment. This software also provides engineers with other capabilities such as numerical simulation and data visualization.
Using its powerful graphics engine, this software allows to interpret and display millions of data points. Using this software, several projects can be carried out at the same time, geographic data can be added without disturbing the order of the project. Produced, imported and edited various block models, and finally, the possibility of outputting all data in a variety of industry standard formats.
Entering information in this software is only based on 3D models and graphic photos , and for this reason, information processing is done quickly, and data preparation for display takes little time. The design possibilities of this software are unique, from the precise design of corners, edges and the possibility of making models such as the human vein with the same twists and turns to the design of wider models with irregular and regular surfaces. Among the modeling possibilities of this software,
we can mention the investigation of the anisotropy properties of materials. Volumetric extrapolation output, ISO levels (3D level line) and composites are other applications of the software. In addition to graphic capabilities, this software also has high computational features in calculations and numerical simulations.
Key features of Leapfrog Geo software:
– Advanced geographic modeling software – Implicit 3D modeling – Design and editing of block models
– Visualization and data analysis to find patterns – Designing models based on rules and profiles
– Analyzing scattered, point by point and box data – Input of ISATIS and UBC models
– Assignment of properties to blocks from numerical and geological models
– 3D output of different aspects of a model – Sorting, marking and output of cross sections
– Output of models based on industry standards
– 3D data visualization and histogram analysis
– Compatibility with other software Leapfrog software
– compatibility with Windows operating system