NEPLAN 5.5.5 crack
NEPLAN is software that engineers can use to analyze production, transmission, distribution, industrial power grids, renewable energy systems (wind turbines, solar power, etc.).
NEPLAN is an electrical simulation and analysis software that can be used to plan, optimize, and analyze power grids. The simple and fully graphical user interface of this software makes it easy for users to use it to analyze all electrical networks such as production, transmission and distribution networks.
NEPLAN is a very well-designed application with a great graphical interface for easy communication between users and software, very simple menus and great network analysis.
The program is designed to meet most of the analytical and computational needs of power systems such as load distribution, short circuit, stability, protection, and so on.
The NEPLAN software environment is almost similar to other parallel software such as etap and digsilent, and users who are familiar with power system analysis can work without any problems.
The high power of this software in performing various analyzes, accuracy and accuracy of the output data and the existence of various analysis tools in it has made it one of the popular software for analyzing and analyzing power grids so that More than 2000 bachelors in 90 countries are currently developing and working on this software.
NEPLAN Software Features and Features:
– Optimal Capacitor Placement Capacity Calculations
– Reliability calculations
– Harmonic Analysis
– Reduce the number of Network Reduction buses
– Voltage Stability Calculations
– Optimal Power Flow Charging Calculations
– Rebuild Optimal Separation Points distribution networks
– Over current protection
– Determine the appropriate cross section of the Cable Sizing Cables
– Optimization of Optimal Distribution Networks
– Small Signal Stability
– Load flow calculation calculations
– Starting Motor for Asynchronous Motor Start Calculations
– Short circuit calculations
– Distance Protection
Transient Stability Calculations